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Common Tailorbird : An Apt Tailor (Darzee)


Common Tailorbird : An Apt Tailor (Darzee)

Common Tailorbird

 # As the Nature has endowed with some unique capability to a particular bird which makes them distinct from other species. Such is the ‘Common Tailorbird’ which is gifted with the technique of stitching two leaves edges to make their nest. They derive their name from highly skilled technique of nest building. They can stitch by piercing two leaves and drawing plant fibre through them.

# One Sunday morning while watering the potted plants, we saw a pair of Common Tailorbirds perched on the plant. The bright olive green coloured small bird drew our attention with their sharp & melodious call and we got opportunity to click some photos which are presented here.

  Salient Features of Common Tailorbird:

·      A small passerine bird, widespread resident bird of India .It is very agile and keeps on hopping on the ground or tree branches. It has bright olive green upperparts and creamy underparts. Tail is long and normally kept upright. They have rufous forehead & crown which gives them distinct identity. Its bill is slightly down carved.

·      It is a songbird. Their calls include a loud, ‘ pitchik – pitchik – pitchik’ or ‘cheeup – cheeup –cheeup’.

·         They are mainly sighted in parks, gardens, scrubs, cultivation and forest edges.

·         They feed mainly on insects, beetles, bugs and nectar.

·         Its scientific name is Orthotomus Sutorius’ and belongs to ‘Cisticolidae’ family.

·         Its Hindi name is दर्जी  चिड़िया‘ .

·         IUCN conservation status: Least Concern (LC).

Common Tailorbird

# Sight of Common Tailorbird teaches us how the Nature is full of uniqueness. Even the smallest creation has the natural capability to stitch and their skill & habit of hard work are surprising.


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